Thursday, December 31, 2009

GNUstep with Eclipse CDT

Although GNUstep has its own IDE and editor, It is possible to use Eclipse for Objective-C projects using CDT, the C/C++ Development Tools.

If you are using Linux, the first thing you need to know about Eclipse is not to install the version packaged with your OS. Ubuntu, for example, is several releases behind on Eclipse. Rather, first make sure you have the latest Java installed (eclipse needs Java), then go to the web site and download it. If you want to use it for both Java and CDT, you can download the one for Java and then add CDT. It's easiest to just install it under your home directory simply by unzipping it there with a command something like...

tar xzvf eclipse-java-galileo-linux-gtk*.tar.gz

Unfortunately, CDT does not directly support GNUstep. You cannot easily import an existing project created by Project Center or create a new GNUstep project with from scratch within Eclipse. Here is one approach suggested in the help-gnustep mailing list by Anne van Rossum (I haven't yet tried this).

- Create sample.m file and GNUmakefile in ObjCProjectExample

- run $GNUstep root/System/Library/Makefiles/

- make (that should go fine)

- start eclipse from same console (building/running should go fine)

- add new C project and import directory structure (from ObjCProjectExample)

- at Project - Properties - C/C++ Make Project - [tab] Environment push button Select

- select all environment variables with GNUstep in their names

- apply changes

(Re)Starting Eclipse from whatever location should be fine now. The shell script is no longer needed.

[Nicola Pero added...] By the way with the current gnustep-make from trunk, you can also do:

* make sure GNUstep's appropriate dirs are added to your PATH and [or equivalent to on your system]

(ie, something like

PATH="$PATH:/usr/GNUstep/System/Tools:/usr/GNUstep/Local/Tools" and adding

/usr/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries and

/usr/GNUstep/Local/Library/Libraries to your and rerunning ldconfig regularly)

* set the GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES environment variable (it should be set to
something like /usr/GNUstep/System/Library/Makefiles/)
And then 'make' should work. ;-)

All the other variables are then read automatically by gnustep-make from
the GNUstep config file in /etc/GNUstep/GNUstep.conf.

However, these steps actually seem overly complicated to me. I was able to import an existing GNUstep project into the latest version of Eclipse with the latest CDT with the following steps:

Create a new empty project...

Right click on the newly created project and select Import. Then select General... File System and click Next.

Browse to the project you created in Project Center, click Select All and Finish.

You should now see all your files in Eclipse and should be able to build and run the project.

One oddity is that when you open up a .m file it opens with gedit instead of opening the Eclipse editor. I assume this is because the Eclipse editor doesn't know Objective-C syntax. However, gedit seems to do the color syntax highlighting just fine.

1 comment:

  1. To get .m files to open in the main editor with syntax highlighting, in Preferences expand "C/C++" and select "File Types"... Click the "New" button, enter "*.m" for the pattern and choose "C Source File" from the "Type" dropdown. These are instructions for MyEclipse 10 - different versions/flavors of eclipse might have this "C/C++ File Types" preference in a different location. Use the search box to find it.
